There are so many ways to save money but one of my biggest is to realize that you’re naturally beautiful and you don’t need all the anti-aging creams and make up that society tells you to buy.
Selling You Low Self Esteem
The primary job of a company selling you something is to…sell! They’ll do it any way that they can, even if that means making you feel bad about yourself.
When it comes to cosmetic companies and anti-aging creams, they are convincing you that you are ugly and that you need special creams, serums, and make up to make you tolerable to look at.
Quite frankly, that’s not true!
I used to be sucked into all of it as well.
As a teenager and young adult I wore make up everyday and wouldn’t let anyone see me without it! As I suffered some health issues starting when I was 28, among all the other things I had to change, I had to quit wearing make up.
The surprising thing?
My face has done better since I quit using it! My skin at 38, without make up, looks better than it did at 29, with make up!
ALL of my photos are of me without make up and without filters.
Better without Make Up
The thing about make up, especially foundation and powder, is it’s clogging your pores. Sure, many of them say they don’t clog pores and maybe they don’t as bad as some but anything that you put on your face is going to clog pores somewhat.
These clogged pores tend to lead to worse skin conditions including acne, oily skin, and excess dead skin.
I actually used to have really oily skin and acne-prone skin as a teen and young adult wearing make up. This continued to be the case into my late 20s until I stopped wearing make up.
Now my face isn’t overly oily and I only tend to get pimples if I eat a bunch of processed sugar, chocolate, or when I’m PMSing. Otherwise my face is clear.
Just Because Your Mom Did It…Or Because Media Tells You To…
Now, just because your mom has always used make up and anti-aging creams doesn’t mean you have to.
I know from experience. My mom wore make up daily and spent thousands on anti-aging creams over 30 years.
Let me tell you something, none of that was worth it as at age 59 she developed Early Onset Alzheimer’s and now at age 66 she has no idea who she or anyone else is. It sucks and obviously doesn’t happen to most people and I’m NOT saying it’s because of all the creams, just saying, spending all that money and time on creams isn’t worth it. You never know what will happen tomorrow.
Does her skin still look great years after she stopped using these products? Yes. Do I think it’s due to the products? No.
Also, just because it seems ‘everyone’ on social media is boasting about some sort of amazing skin care routine or make up doesn’t mean that you actually NEED it. I’m guessing if you took a week or so off from putting stuff on your face, you’d like the results, and it’ll save you some money. Especially if you keep going!
Again, everyone is just trying to make money with these products, the influencers get money when they advertise these products and when you click through on their links. Sure, they might actually use it but who knows, maybe they don’t! Even if they do, it doesn’t mean you need to.
You’re beautiful just the way you are. Under the make up. Without the anti-aging creams. Without the make up or beauty treatments.
How Much Can You Save?
How much do you think you could save if you were to cut out anti-aging creams, lotions, and make up from your budget?
According to Allied Market Research, most women spend around $250 on anti-aging creams a year!
According to Statista, the average person spends $1,754 a year on beauty products as of 2023 which is the most recent year they had listed. This is an overall spend that does vary depending on generation with Millennials spending the most at a whopping $2,670!
Though I don’t like the connotations that come with it, I am a Millennial. I spend $0.
Where could YOU put all that money instead of spending it on beauty products?
Toward your rent or mortgage? Toward your credit card debt or car payment? Stash it away for retirement?
What if You Like Make Up?
By all means, if you enjoy make up, then go ahead and wear it. Just offering this advice as a way to cut costs overall and also encouraging others that they aren’t alone if they choose not to wear make up.
If you like to wear make up and other beauty products and still want to save money, you could consider wearing less or less often, switching brands to a less expensive brand, or just disregarding this particular way of saving money.
As with all money advice, we have choices in where we spend our money and I feel you should spend money on what brings you joy and what makes sense in your situation. If you absolutely love the way you feel and look when you wear expensive make up, don’t let me stop you. Find another place to cut costs if that’s a goal for you.
Life should be about the things that bring us joy, not the things that bring us down.
I’m not against make up, as I said, I used to be quite fond of it and felt I “needed” it. Until my health made me stop wearing it and then I realized ‘hey, my skin looks much better without make up and all the other crap!’

Throughout my parenting journey with 3 kids on a single income, I have become an expert in living comfortably within our means without feeling restricted and I will help you do the same.
I'm a former school psychologist who left my career to stay home with my children, hence the one-income family and needing to adapt to that mentality while still living comfortably.